.. _MOmatlab: MatLab toolbox ############## The MatLab Muscle Parameter Optimization Toolbox can be downloaded as part of the `Muscle Optimizer repository `_ on GitHub, under the ``matlab`` directory. A version of this Matlab toolbox, designed to reproduce the results and figures of the paper associated with the Muscle Optimizer toolbox :cite:`modenese2016estimation`, is available from our `project page `_ on SimTK.org. To use the toolbox, you should add the folder ``MuscleParOptTool`` (located in the ``matlab`` directory of the repository) to the MatLab path (`see Matlab documentation `_). The toolbox provides the ``optimMuscleParams`` function, that can be called as in the following example: .. literalinclude:: ../../test/Example1/run_example1.m :language: matlab :start-after: % clear;clc;close all :encoding: latin-1